stdClass Object
    [is_campaign] => 
    [unit_price] => 25,00
    [regular_unit_price] => 25,00
    [comparison_price] => 25,00
    [regular_comparison_price] => 25,00
    [weight_unit] => g
Assortment - EP Karamell

1 products (1 boxes) in cart | Show cart Show cart or Show image-view of cart Show image-view of cart

Current cart

Part no. Product name Weight Package Unit price Quantity Price Delete
904-1141041Spoon Grey25g1 pcs/box
Total Logged-in customers will see prices and discounts 1 boxes
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HRTL 9024B
HRTL 9024B

Check Out "Candy Mix" Our Pick And Mix Consept

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Additional: Wheels For Top Lock Displays

1 pcs/box
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Additional: Silver Strip On The Side Edge For Top Lock Displays

1 pcs/box
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Plastic Label Holders 180x80 Mm. Self-adhesive

32g 1 pcs/box
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Plastic Label Holders 90x55 Mm. Self-adhesive

20g 1 pcs/box
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8-MPF 360

Mpf 360 Holder

1 pcs/box
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8-MPF 480

Mpf 480 Holder

1 pcs/box
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8-SH 870 B

Additional: Blue Sign Holder For Adverticement Top Lock Displays

1 pcs/box
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Additional: Black Sign Holder For Adverticement Top Lock Displays

1 pcs/box
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Spoon White

25g 1 pcs/box
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Spoon Grey

25g 1 pcs/box
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Spoon Red

25g 1 pcs/box
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Print Of Labels (QUOTED PRICE)

1 pcs/box
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Custom Made Colour On Interior

1 pcs/box
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Singel Label Styling Layout

1 pcs/box
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Custumer Made Background Design For Labels And Bags

1 pcs/box
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8-HRTL 9024B

Hrtl9024b Ek Display

1 pcs/box
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