Candy Mix© is our commission pick and mix consept for your store. If you have the place for pick and mix, we will help you to get the perfect candy mix including a top of the line interior display and filling and cleaning service, The only thing you need to do is to sell the candy.
With Candy Mix© we are introducing a strong candy concept that has been tested and established on the Scandinavian markets for over 30 years. Today almost all supermarkets, petrol stations, video, cinema and candy stores in Scandinavia have a pick and mix section. The pick and mix concept gives the customer an exceptional freedom to pick his or her own candy favourites. The customer picks all candy them self in a paper candy bag and pay the amount by weight. Our concept contain about 130 different best selling quality candies witch has been carefully choosen, taken into consideration what are best selling on the market today.
Pick and mix candy is a high margin product for your store.
Dont heasitate to contact us if you want to know more.